Course Outline

Click "Enroll For Free" on the banner to begin

    1. Introduction - Pastor Aaron Allison

    2. Meet the Staff

    3. CIL Distinctives - Mission, Purpose, Strategy

    4. History of CIL Church

    1. Scripture, Trinity, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit

    2. Spiritual Gifts, Ordinances, Marriage, Unity

    1. CIL Kids

    2. Youth Ministry and Young Adults

    3. 242 Small Groups and Men's Ministry

    4. Women's Ministry

    5. Worship

    6. Outreach, Missions, and Bless Our Neighborhood

    7. Going Deeper - Veritas College

    1. Leadership Structure

    2. Worship One, Serve One

    1. What is a CIL Partner

    2. What is the Next Step?

About this course

  • Free
  • 17 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content